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Lyubco Neshkov: Skopje went the way of the Serbian and Russian world

My fears are that the region may be destabilized if the risk factors are underestimated

Май 9, 2024 19:46 831

Lyubco Neshkov: Skopje went the way of the Serbian and Russian world  - 1

My fears are that the region may be destabilized, if risk factors are underestimated. Last night the winners in Macedonia talked about everything else and never once mentioned the words NATO and EU. Of course, they did not fail to attack Bulgaria, which has saved them several times. Several processes are running in parallel in Macedonia. It is not true that pro-European forces lost there and Eurosceptics came to power. Macedonia has gone the way of the Serbian and Russian world. Macedonia is self-blocking for EU membership. There were no pro-European forces there. We can witness very, very dangerous events.

This was stated in the show "More from the day" on BNT the journalist Lyubcho Neshkov, who commented on the victory of VMRO-DPMNE in the elections in North Macedonia.

"Reforms are needed in Macedonia, and we only hear from Skopje attacks and rumors that Sofia has blocked EU membership. We must warn our allies in the EU that a foreign, anti-European project is currently taking place in Macedonia, which has nothing to do with EU values. Bulgaria's voice should be heard much louder in Brussels. I have read the Western reactions to the elections and they are very superficial, even disinformation. "Bulgaria must clearly and strongly explain to the West that an anti-European project is taking place in Macedonia", he was categorical.